Winegrowers of Champagne Devaux use the skills inherited from their ancestors to grow the finest grapes possible in order to produce the flavours and character of a great Champagne! Today, Top Cellar will receive the ambassador of Champagne Devaux- Mr Nicolas SCHOUTTETEN brings you to a special moment of Champagne world!

帝王酒庄的酿酒师用世代传承的精湛工艺为您酿造出最芬芳优雅的顶级香槟!今天,Top Cellar将携手帝王香槟的品牌大使-Nicolas SCHOUTTETEN 先生带您漫步那令人回味的香槟世界!

Time: 9th December 2010 7pm-8.30pm

时间:2010.12.9 19:00——20:30

Venue: Kerry Centre Store



Bento & Berries F1, Shangri-la’s Kerry Centre Hotel, No. 1 Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District

酒会门票/Entrance Fee:RMB50