武王酒庄位于一级庄云集的菩依乐村(Pauillac),与拉菲庄和拉图庄两大名庄为邻。著名酒评家Robert PARKER品尝2006年新酒后,在五大名庄之中,给予了武当王最高分数。

尽管在1855年只被评为二级庄, Baron Philipp以豪壮的气魄立下誓言,经过他五十年的努力和精心打造,终于在1973年促使已有超过百年历史的官方评级作出了历史上的唯一一次修改:武当王从此登上一级名庄之列。

从1945年开始,他们每年都邀请一位著名画家为武当王酒标创作一幅作品,因而酒庄的博物馆中便有了让·雨果(Jean Hugo)、卡尔祖(C~zou)、乔治·勃拉克(Georges Braque)、保尔-德尔沃(Paul Del—vaux)及达利(Salvador Dali)等著名画家的真迹。

在这个短暂而华丽浪漫的二月份之中,富隆酒业为各位尊贵的宾客精心筹划了一场最尊贵的盛宴—-波尔多一级名庄武当王晚宴,并盛情邀请到武当王庄园代表HERVE BERLAND先生亲临现场,与各位诠释武当王的王者魅力,共度华丽难忘的晚上,为这个二月留下长久的华丽记忆!

Prestigious Chateau–MOUTON ROTHSCHILD

The style of emperor—“First, I cannot be. Second, I do not condescend to be. Mouton, I am.”
In 1973, Mouton was elevated to “first growth” status after decades of intense lobbying by its powerful and influential owner, the only change in the original 1855 classification. This prompted a change of motto: previously, the motto of the wine was Premier ne puis, second ne daigne, Mouton suis., and it was changed to Premier je suis, Second je fus, Mouton ne change.

The Unique Label—Perfection of art and label
Baron Philippe de Rothschild, the most important chateau owner, came up with the idea of having each year’s label designed by a famous artist of the day. In 1946, this became a permanent and significant aspect of the Mouton image with labels created by some of the world’s great painters and sculptors such as Jean Hugo、C~zou、Georges Braque、Paul Del—vaux、Salvador Dali.

February, gorgeous and romantic, Aussino well serve our most distinguished guests with Chateau MOUTON ROTHSCHILD,Grand Cru Classe Wine Dinne,
and it is honored to invite the representative of Chateau MOUTON ROTHSCHILD, Mr. Herve Berland, to sharing such a memorable and exquisite night with the finest wines from the most prestigious Grand Cru Classe Chateau , which leaves a long-lasting memory for us in February!