地点: RBL 餐厅
地址: 东安门大街,53号西配楼
日期: 2006年6月28日,星期三
时间: 晚7点
价格: 668人民币/人


ASC精品葡萄酒公司与RBL餐厅诚挚地邀请您参加喜格士葡萄酒晚宴,与喜格士家族葡萄酒园出口部总监Camille Seghesio女士共品来自该著名葡萄酒园的美酒及RBL 餐厅提供的精美菜肴。

爱都喜格士(Edoardo Seghesio)于1895年创建的喜格士葡萄酒园,目前已成为世界顶级仙芬黛葡萄酒生产商。

“喜格士作为酿制仙芬黛的大师级酒园和加州最古老的酒园之一,在经历了自上世纪90年代中期开始的一系列历史变革之后,最终蜕变为一个顶级葡萄酒生产商。” (《葡萄酒鉴赏家》,2004年5月)

Venue: RBL
Address: 53 Dong An Men St, Xi Pei Bldg
Date: Wednesday 28th June, 2006
Time: 7:00pm
Price: 668 RMB net per person

ASC Fine Wines and RBL are pleased to invite you to join Ms Camille Seghesio, Winery Co-owner, for a night of fine food paired with world renowned wines from California’s Seghesio Family Vineyards.

Founded in 1895 by Edoardo Seghesio, the winery is recognized today as one of the world’s leading Zinfandel producers.

“Masters of Zinfandel…Seghesio, one of the state’s oldest wineries, can count itself among this esteemed league after undergoing an historic transformation beginning in the mid-90s that, ultimately, led to its reinvention as a cutting edge producer.” (Wine Spectator, May 2004)